April 2022
The April issue includes a keynote article on regulations and compliance, along with technical articles on horizontal directional drilling, integrity systems and pipeline mapping.
This month's front cover is brought to you by 3X Engineering.
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Don’t gamble with your audit
Carin Meyer, Regulation Compliance Programme Specialist, Atmos
International, USA, talks through a holistic view of what pipeline operators
need to consider for passing a pipeline leak detection audit.
When the data aligns
Felipe Freitas (Senior Integrity Engineer), Marcilio Torres (Senior Application
Specialist), Taylor Campsey (Pipeline Integrity Engineer), ROSEN USA.
Corrosion challenges
Doug Sinitiere, Carboline, USA and Holly Tyler, Specialty Polymer Coatings
Inc., USA.
Maintaining integrity of your ‘hidden assets’
Iain Rennie, Operations Director, Asset Guardian Solutions Ltd, UK.
Enhancing the efficiency of pipeline mapping
Nicholas Duggan, Chief Technology Officer, The Carto Group, UK.
More savings, no emissions
Rolf Gunnar Lie, Regional Business Development Manager,
T.D. Williamson, Asia Pacific.
Avoiding cable failures
Harvey Hancock, Gripple Limited, UK.
Coatings Q&A
Steve Crawley, Group Technical Director and Andrew Stuart, Sales &
Marketing Director, Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd.
Safe and successful horizontal directional drilling
Raelison Novaes, Michels Corporation, USA.
Energising ROV capabilities
Mark Wood, Technical Sales Manager, ROVOP.
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