White papers
Download technical white papers from the upstream industry.
Carbon removals: The ‘net’ in net zero
Reviewing the current state of this nascent industry, the factors that will shape its evolution, and the steps governments, investors and developers must take to drive its essential rapid growth.
Published on the 01 October 2024
Decision time for oil and gas companies in 2024
It is shaping up to be a turbulent year for national oil companies (NOCs), independents and majors alike, with potentially significant shifts in strategic playbooks. So, what are the five big themes to watch?
Published on the 01 February 2024
Quelques éléments clés à prendre en compte lors du choix d’un EPI de protection antichute
En France, les chutes de hauteur sont la deuxième cause de décès au travail. Dans ce livre blanc, MSA Safety explore certaines considérations clés lors du choix d'un EPI de protection contre les chutes afin de vous aider à faire le bon choix.
Published on the 01 October 2023
Drilling towards the future
NOV’s ReedHycalog™ Pegasus™ drill bit technology incorporates multiple novel and patented technologies to enhance ROP.
Published on the 01 October 2023
How Additive Manufacturing Can Aid the Oil, Gas, and Chemical Industry: Corrosion-Proofing by Infusion of Interstitial Solute, Exemplified for Alloy 22
This article demonstrates a new concept for the corrosion-proofing of additively manufactured parts.
Published on the 19 September 2023
10 Ways to Increase Your Organisation’s Safety Involvement
These 10 tips offer tactics and strategies for convincing and encouraging your organisation’s employees to take on more meaningful roles in establishing, operating, evaluating and improving EHS programmes.
Published on the 01 July 2023
Is the world running out of high-quality oil and gas?
There are simply not enough advantaged resources for everyone to maintain, let alone to improve current cost and emissions performance. The sector’s challenging outlook presents companies with a classic choice of fight or flight.
Published on the 01 July 2023
Build or Buy? When It Comes to Software, Buy Might Be the Right Choice for You
Purchasing trusted, proven software solutions is the best option, due to benefits such as significant savings in time and costs, smooth deployments and improved efficiency.
Published on the 01 November 2022