The 23 partners behind Project Greensand have now submitted the final report from the pilot project, which has aimed to develop, test and demonstrate safe and efficient storage of CO2 in the North Sea subsurface.
The company has announced it has received its best environmental, social and governance rating to date from Sustainalytics, putting it in the top 3% of all global oil and gas companies rated by the organisation.
The UK has lost about 13 billion cubic metres (bcm) of indigenous gas reserves through flaring and venting over the past 10 years, exposing oil and gas operators to £2.6 billion in lost gas sales and £1 billion in Emissions Trading System (ETS) payments.
The companies have signed a multi-year framework agreement to decommission wells in the North Sea, as part of the decommissioning specialist’s Plug and Abandonment Club offering.
The seventh annual Global Energy Talent Index has revealed that the recent gas price crisis has transformed oil and gas into the most popular sector for energy workers to join and has sent salaries soaring above pre-pandemic levels.
Each participant in the SoG Training Courses will gain expertise in functionality tests, best practices, configuration, troubleshooting, certificate of attendance and compliance.
API, AMEXHI and IOGP have renewed an MoU, strengthening mutual cooperation to help enhance operational performance across North American natural gas and oil operations.
The UK government is potentially facing three separate legal challenges as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and Uplift seek to stop up to 130 new oil and gas licences from going ahead.