Subsea Expo 2020 to focus on ‘New Perspectives’
Published by Naomi Holliman,
Digital Editorial Assistant
Oilfield Technology,
The largest annual event for the underwater industry in Europe will take a fresh look at how to exploit the existing and emerging opportunities across all sectors, not just oil and gas and renewables.
Under the theme of ‘New Perspectives’ Subsea Expo 2020 is set to be bigger and better than ever as moving to Aberdeen’s new state of the art venue, P&J Live, allows the show to grow by more than a third.
The 15th annual flagship event, organised by Subsea UK, comprises an exhibition, conference and awards dinner and will take place from the 11 – 13 of February 2020.
Subsea UK has now opened the call for speakers for the conference which features an opening plenary and parallel technical sessions.
Neil Gordon, Chief Executive of Subsea UK, said, “This year’s theme is to encourage exhibitors and delegates to view the industry through a new lens and take a fresh approach to all our vertical markets. This starts with seeing ourselves not only as subsea in oil and gas, but as the underwater engineering industry, working across oil and gas, renewables, oceanology, defence and emerging sectors such as aquaculture and deep-sea mining.
“We must rise to the challenges of the net zero emissions and digitalisation to ensure a successful, sustainable and profitable future for our ingenious and world-leading supply chain.
“Next year’s Subsea Expo comes at a turning point for the oil and gas industry in terms of the energy transition, and we want to have high level conversations about how the underwater industry plays its part in the energy transition and how we become digital leaders and not followers.”
Under the theme of ‘New Perspectives’, the Subsea Expo 2020 conference will centre around these two themes.
The Energy Transition will look at the role subsea will play in advancing the transition and how underwater technology is a key enabler to growth across all sectors.
Embracing Digitalisation will explore how the industry is implementing digital technologies. This will be an opportunity to learn from current developments and explore what the future will look like.
Abstracts are being invited on seven subjects: Engineering Projects in the 21st Century; Underwater Robotic Technology; Subsea Tiebacks; Subsea Systems; Pipelines and Risers; Late Life Management; and the Subsea Supply Chain of the Future.
Subsea Expo 2019 was the largest show to date, with more than 6500 visitors and a record number of exhibitors and speakers.
The deadline for submitting abstracts in response to the call for papers for Subsea Expo 2020 is Friday, 11 October 2019. For more information or to download an abstract submission form visit:
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