TSC Subsea launches deepwater hydrate detection system
Published by Emily Thomas,
Deputy Editor
Oilfield Technology,
TSC Subsea has launched its latest subsea technology in the field of acoustic deepwater hydrate detection.
The ART® vPush provides efficient, cost effective hydrate detection.
Designed and developed by TSC Subsea’s UK team, working closely with the company’s Norwegian acoustic scientists, the ART® vPush was designed with speed of inspection as a priority without compromising detection capability and sizing accuracy.
The tool uses TSC Subsea’s ART® technology on a moving platform to rapidly assess pipeline contents over complete pipe runs. Data is collected in real time and processed with several algorithms to monitor signals from the far end side of the pipeline which detect if hydrate is present.
Typically deployed via ROV manipulator, it can also be fitted directly onto an ROV and has a depth rating of 3000 metres. The high-speed data collection achieves cost savings by minimising ROV and vessel time.
Common applications include detection of, or screening for, hydrate in subsea pipelines and wall thickness measurements on subsea pipeline.
The ART® vPush was developed to meet the specific needs of a major operator. TSC Subsea collaborated with DOF Subsea Norway AS to complete the project for the operator in Angola, West Africa.
Tasked with locating a hydrate in the pipe, the team deployed the ART® vPush which scanned 12 km of 8 in. 3LPP coated water injection line in just 33 hours at 1300 m. The hydrate plug was found and scanned for exact measurements.
“In addition to benefiting from the most efficient and fastest hydrate detection and sizing tool on the market, the operator also achieved additional cost savings in terms of dredging requirements,” said Jonathan Bancroft, TSC Subsea Global Sales Director. “The smart design of the ART® vPush means that only minimal dredging is required.”
Read the latest issue of Oilfield Technology in full for free: Spring 2022
Oilfield Technology’s first issue of 2022 begins with analysis from Wood Mackenzie on the disconnect between surging oil prices and US oil production growth and investment. The rest of the issue is dedicated to features covering sand removal technology, dissolvable frac plug technology, digitalisation of offshore operations, annular intervention, oilfield chemicals, subsea compression systems and smart instrument measurement.
Exclusive contributions come from TETRA Technologies, NOV, Archer, Expro, Locus Bio-Energy Solutions, AES Drilling Fluids, MAN Energy Solutions and Winters Instruments.
Read the article online at: https://www.oilfieldtechnology.com/product-news/23062022/tsc-subsea-launches-deepwater-hydrate-detection-system/
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