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Samotics launches energy efficiency solution

Published by , Editorial Assistant
Oilfield Technology,

Samotics has announced the launch of its latest energy efficiency solution: Energy Analytics. The platform enables industrial organisations realise energy savings of up to 15% and reduce associated CO2 emissions.

“There is a growing sense of urgency for industrial organisations to improve the efficiency of their operations and reduce energy waste. Electricity costs—which are by far the largest outlay when operating rotating equipment—continue to increase amid ongoing pressures within energy markets. Organisations are also working to realise ambitious sustainability targets as part of a global push toward net zero. Energy Analytics enables organisations to act immediately with no hardware investment, transforming fragmented, granular datasets into concrete recommendations to reduce energy costs and emissions,” said Jasper Hoogeweegen, CEO at Samotics.

Using Energy Analytics, organisations enable access to historic telemetry data from their existing measurement infrastructure (e.g. SCADA systems), which is then mapped, cleaned and pre-processed to enable structured analysis within the industry-leading analytics platform. Support from Samotics’ expert team then enables organisations to quickly realize and report significant energy savings of up to 15% through continuous optimisation, without the CAPEX investment and complexity associated with the installation of hardware.

“Adding a software-only solution to our product suite equips industrial organisations with another powerful, flexible tool to unlock performance and sustainability benefits through a smart, proactive condition-based maintenance approach, while providing an opportunity to significantly scale our ability to support organisations around the world,” adds Hoogeweegen.

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