Clariant Oil Services to release winterised pour point depressant technology
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
Oilfield Technology,
WAXTREAT SubZero is a winterised PPD with innovative customisation capabilities, enhancing performance, while mitigating paraffin build-up, in crude oil pipeline systems, at the same time reducing OPEX requirements associated with pipeline cleaning. This product has recently been selected as a finalist in the “Best Oilfields Fluids and Chemicals” category at the 2019 World Oil Awards.
Anton Kaiser, Head of Strategic Innovation, Clariant Oil & Mining Services, will present a paper on the new technology at SPE ATCE, entitled ‘Customizable Synergistic Polymer Micro-Dispersions for Treating Challenging Waxy Crudes in Cold Regions’. “We developed a series of higher active winterised polymer micro-dispersions to overcome issues commonly found in cold climates,” he comments. “Inhibitors and dispersants are viable solutions to minimising organic precipitations and fouling in pipelines and storage tanks. Unfortunately, those PPDs are part of the challenge that customers are currently facing, due to their high product pour points. There is a real product offering gap in the market.”
Both laboratory and field data demonstrated that the micro-dispersed polymers in WAXTREAT SubZero can perform at significantly lower dose rates when compared to the alternative, winterised polymers in solution, to help contribute to an easier flow of oil.
The product remains stable and pumpable in cold storage, eliminating the need for heated tanks and lines while reducing operation and capital expenditures.
“Customers here in Canada, and in regions such as Russia and other colder oil producing basins like the Rockies, face oil production and transportation challenges every winter”, said Al Ferguson, Clariant’s Regional Business Lead for Canada. “This breakthrough PPD is available to them now and can greatly reduce those challenges, improving flow assurance, reducing unplanned operational downtime and maintenance costs.”
Some field trials are ongoing, in Canada, with very positive initial results, demonstrating early success in lab-to-field deployment.
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