Oceaneering completes rig services project offshore South America
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
Oilfield Technology,
Oceaneering was contracted by Apache Corp. in June 2019 to provide integrated rig services on the Noble Sam Croft drillship. The work scope included the provision of ROS, remotely operated vehicle (ROV), and acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) for a potential three-well campaign.
The ROS and ADCP systems were mobilised and commissioned on the drillship Noble Sam Croft during the summer of 2019. The drillship then transited to Suriname where it began operations in the early fall.
“The ROS system eliminates the need to remobilise survey equipment and personnel for subsequent moves. Oceaneering surveyors in our Remote Control Monitoring Stations (RCMS) communicate and coordinate with the rig personnel and company representative during rig move activities,” said Chris Echols, Global Business Development Manager, Survey Services. “The ADCP systems on the drillship are maintained, recovered, and deployed by the ROV crew. This minimises personnel on board, and greatly reduces the logistics and costs associated with mobilisations in remote areas.
He continued: “Additionally, during this unprecedented global pandemic, the ROS and ADCP services have added value where personnel movements have been hampered by local restrictions, which vary country to country. By utilising ROS, Oceaneering’s services remain unaffected by these restrictions.”
Oceaneering has now surpassed 150 000 hours of successful ROS operations. “This milestone ushers in a new era for remote survey and positioning services,” Echols said. “Advancements in these areas have enabled operators to rethink the way they conduct work.”
Read the article online at: https://www.oilfieldtechnology.com/offshore-and-subsea/06052020/oceaneering-completes-rig-services-project-offshore-south-america/
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