Benthic awarded geotechnical contract offshore Mozambique by TechnipFMC
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
Oilfield Technology,
For the first time in its history, Benthic will utilise two portable remotely operated drill (PROD) units to perform fieldwork, which is scheduled to begin in 3Q19. The PROD1 unit with tracks (TracPROD) will be used in the shallow-water geotechnical locations from Solstad’s Nor Captain anchor-handling tug supply vessel, and the PROD2 unit will be used in deepwater geotechnical locations from the MMA Valour multipurpose platform supply vessel.
The PROD1 and PROD2 units will collect numerous geotechnical borehole samples and conduct in-situ piezocone penetration tests at various locations across the development. Benthic will also manage the shallow and deepwater geophysical surveys, which are also scheduled to commence in 3Q19.
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