May 2015
The May issue focuses on Maintenance with our global maintenance review. This feature rounds up a wide selection of maintenance contracts and projects that have been executed over the last 12 months. The regional report from Nancy Yamaguchi looks at gas in Australia and Gordon Cope focuses on the LNG market and its capex and opex challenges. The issues also features plant safety, flaring, emissions monitoring and gas articles.
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(03) Comment
(05) World News
(12) Australian natural gas: growth of a global exporter
Nancy Yamaguchi, Contributing Editor, provides an overview of the Australian gas industry, focusing on the resources in place, supply and demand, and the current LNG market growth spurt
(26) UK shale gas processing: part two
Matthew Last and Adrian Finn, Costain, UK, discuss processing technology for UK shale gas
(32) LNG market update
Gordon Cope, Contributing Editor, outlines the opportunities and challenges facing the global LNG market, and prospects for the future
(37) Small scale technology
Christopher D. Finley, Ebara International Corporation, USA, discusses the benefits of cryogenic expanders for the expanding small scale LNG market
(42) Unlocking potential
Oriane Farges, Matthias Linicus, Paul Terrien, Stefan Fraenkle and Sylvain Gerard, Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions, talk through the potential of CO2 rich natural gas, and outline a number of important factors to consider when selecting a conditioning technique
(48) Navigating the cloud
Kevin Holmes, Intergraph, UK, explains why cloud technology offers the oil and gas industry an opportunity to meet the supply and demand challenges that it is currently facing
(53) Flare system regulations
Clayton A. Francis, Zeeco, USA, outlines the potential consequences of proposed legislation to change the laws for flare system design and operation within the US
(60) Game changing technology
Lydia Singoredjo, Shell Global Solutions, the Netherlands, explains how the application of cutting edge technologies can help oil and gas companies to meet stringent product specifications and emissions standards, and reduce capital expenditure
(65) A new dimension
Peter Vass, SGB, Germany, discusses a new dimension of safety and environmental protection: leak detection technology
(71) The downstream maintenance market
Kathryn Symes, Douglas-Westwood, UK, explains why sustained demand growth is forecast for the downstream maintenance market
(75) Global Maintenance Review
Hydrocarbon Engineering provides an overview of maintenance projects undertaken around the world over the past 12 months
(104) 15 facts on...
This month we give you 15 facts on Indonesia
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