May 2014
The May issue features the Annual Maintenance Review, which offers an overview of the maintenance projects undertaken around the world over the past 12 months. This month’s cover feature is provided by Linde and addresses emissions monitoring. Other features include catalysts, desalination, flaring, conditions monitoring and heat exchangers. Our May regional report looks at hydrocarbons in Sub-Saharan, focusing particularly on the management of investment risk in the region.
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(03) Comment
(05) World News
Contract awards, project updates, industry latest, news digest, diary dates, mergers and acquisitions
(12) Hydrocarbons in Sub-Saharan Africa
Elizabeth Stephens, Jardine Lloyd Thompson, UK, discusses risk and the protection of investments in Sub-Saharan Africa
(20) Keep up the pace
Mark Schott and Neil Eckersley, UOP, A Honeywell Company, UOP LLC, USA, explains why rapid project deployment is needed to ensure the oil and gas industry keeps up with shale production levels
(25) CEMS compliance
Eric Wiley and Hung-Ming Sung, Trinity Consultants, USA, and Arun Kanchan, Trinity Consultants, Qatar, discuss best practice in emissions monitoring
(30) Driving refining change: Part two
Stephen Harrison, Linde, USA, takes a look at how automotive emissions legislation and the drive for energy sustainability are impacting the refining industry
(37) Slime control
Taeko Nakamura, Kurita Water Industries Ltd., Japan, and Björn Hansen, Kurita Europe GmbH, Germany, discuss slime control as a biofouling preventative measure
(44) Middle East flaring solution
Clayton A. Francis, Zeeco, USA, discusses how high pressure air assist system flaring technology can resolve the challenges posed by a Middle Eastern environment
(51) A catalyst solution
Patrick Gripka, Opinder Bhan, Wes Whitecotton and James Esteban, Criterion Catalysts and Technologies, USA, take a look at Tier 3 capital avoidance with the help of catalyst solutions
(57) Formulation flexibility
Charles Radcliffe, Tom Ventham and Ray Fletcher, Johnson Matthey Process Technologies Inc., Europe, discuss continuous catalyst replacement as a means to increased profitability
(63) Accelerated catalyst evaluation
Florian Huber, Sven K. Weber, Jochen Berg, Tilman Sauer and Alfred Haas, hte GmbH, Germany, and Karl Hutter, Anton Purgstaller, OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH, Austria, discuss how hydroprocessing full size commercial catalyst evaluation can be accelerated for improved efficiency
(69) It's electric
Roly Juliano, Watlow, Germany, discusses the use of electric heaters in refineries and petrochemical plants
(74) Upwards spiral
Stefan Gavelin and volker Beermann, Tranter GmbH, discuss how spiral heat exchangers can help to maximise throughput of profitable products, and minimise operating expenditures
(81) Beyond basic efficiency
Bart van den Berg, HeatMatrix Group, The Netherlands, discusses how polymer air preheaters can contribute to improved energy efficiency
(85) Right temperature
Anton Gurman, BARTEC Rus GmbH, Russia, discusses temperature management in crude oil terminals
(87) Simplicity is key
Chris James, SKF Condition Monitoring, Asia Pacific, discusses advances and challenges to wireless condition monitoring for balance of plant equipment
(91) Maintenance review
Hydrocarbon Engineering provides an overview of maintenance projects undertaken around the world over the past 12 months
(120) 15 facts on...
This month we give you 15 facts on Sub-Saharan Africa
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