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Hydrocarbon Engineering - January 2016
The lead feature in the January 2016 issue is Hydrocarbon Engineering’s Annual Catalyst Review, which provides an overview of some of the most advanced catalyst technologies available within the hydrocarbon processing industry today. This month’s Regional Report, from Contributing Editor Nancy Yamaguchi, is also a ‘must read’, focusing on tightening gasoline and diesel balanced in the Middle East.Hydrocarbon Engineering - December 2015
The December 2015 issue is filled with exciting topics, including petrochemicals, software, health and safety, gas processing, heat exchangers, valves and desulfurisation. Nancy Yamaguchi provides this month’s Regional Report, reviewing the effects of recent political turbulence on North Africa’s oil and gas sector, while KBC’s Keynote article discusses the impact of proposed new EPA regulation on fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) units. We finish this jam-packed issue with 15 facts on Canada.Hydrocarbon Engineering - November 2015
The November 2015 issue of Hydrocarbon Engineering kicks off with two Regional Reports focusing on the European downstream industry. The first, from ABB, explains why there is still room for optimism in Europe despite a highly changeable business environment, and UKPIA follows with a update on the UK refining industry. This issue covers a number of exiting topics, including Catalysts, Compressor Technology, Level Gauging, Flow Metering & Monitoring, Storage Options and Corrosion Prevention, and the lead feature, Opportunity Crudes, features technical articles from Dorf Ketal, Cameron and Petrobras. To finish off, we give you 15 facts on Japan.Hydrocarbon Engineering - October 2015
This October 2015 issue is full of interesting new features, including a discussion on the proposed new Environmental Protection Agency regulations on delayed coking and catalytic reforming units; an examination of the latest generation of sulfur recovery analysers; and Yves Herssens, MECS/DuPont, and Steven Meyer, MECS/DuPont, provide an explanation of how tail gas scrubber sulfur plant bypass ability aids emergency shutdowns and startups. This issue also features 'Hands off operation: Part two', where Paul Lyon and Maria Chwal, Vympel, Germany, discuss automated hydrocarbon dew point measurement.Hydrocarbon Engineering - September 2015
The September 2015 issue is jam packed with a number of exciting features, including Catalyst Handling, Water Treatment, Heat Transfer, Clean Fuels, Blending and Engineering Case Studies. The lead feature, Recruitment & Employment, features commentary from a number of companies and authorities operating within the oil and gas industry regarding the current job climate, and the prospects for the future. Meanwhile, Gordon Cope provides this month’s Regional Report on the monumental changes occurring in the Mexican oil and gas industry. To finish off the issue we give you 15 facts on shale gas.Hydrocarbon Engineering - August 2015
August is home to the Compressor Review, where we provide you with updates on the latest compressor technologies available to the downstream sector. The issue also focuses on condition monitoring with GE and compressor turnarounds and upgrades with Hoerbiger. Nancy Yamaguchi has provided the regional report with an indepth look at Russian Refining and Linde continues our Keynote Series on environmental compliance with an examination of marine fuels.Hydrocarbon Engineering - July 2015
The regional focus of this issue is Asia and Boston Consulting take the lead. The issue also houses the pumps, valves and seals review which highlights the broad technologies available to the downstream oil and gas sector. Gordon Cope, Contributing Editor takes a look at the importance of cyber security and the issue also covers flaring, desalination and tanks and terminals technology. To top the issue off we have 15 questions with the CEO of the Energy Institute.Hydrocarbon Engineering - June 2015
The June 2015 issue focuses on ACHEMA, the leading show for the chemical engineering and process sector, with our ACHEMA 2015 Preview. This feature previews a selection of companies active within the downstream hydrocarbon processing industry that will be exhibiting at the show. The Regional Report from T.A. Cook examines the impact of cheaper oil on natural gas and trends in the European energy industry, while ABB discusses the use of carbon capture technologies in this month’s Keynote article. The issue also has a number of additional features, including Process Optimisation, Compressors & Turboexpanders, High Performance Materials, Simulation Software, Pumps & Valves and Gas Analysers. To finish off the issue we give you 15 facts on Germany, the location of this year’s ACHEMA exhibition.Hydrocarbon Engineering - May 2015
The May issue focuses on Maintenance with our global maintenance review. This feature rounds up a wide selection of maintenance contracts and projects that have been executed over the last 12 months. The regional report from Nancy Yamaguchi looks at gas in Australia and Gordon Cope focuses on the LNG market and its capex and opex challenges. The issues also features plant safety, flaring, emissions monitoring and gas articles.Plus Tanks & Terminals 2015 supplement