August 2008
On this month's cover: INTERCAT is the leading supplier of FCC additives and addition systems. With over 25 additive products, their FCC additives and addition systems allow refi ners to make the most of the synergies that exist in the FCC unit so that they may continually optimise yields and reduce emissions.
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Editorial comment
World News
Contract awards, project updates, industry latest, news digest, diary dates, mergers and acquisitions
The Central Country
Nancy Yamaguchi, Contributing Editor, examines the Chinese energy market and its role in Asia and the wider world
Improving the Steam Cracking Process
Curtis Eng, Michael Tallman, John Owens, and Larry Gilbert, KBR, USA, look at recent ethylene plant technology improvements
Breaking Technology
Dr. Richard Martin and Craig Rosencutter, Callidus Technologies, LLC, USA, give an overview of next generation burner technology for ethylene cracking furnaces
Raising the Bar
Jim Nelson, River Consulting, USA, discusses compressor station automation
The Evolutionary Chain
Martin R. Habel, Solar Turbines Incorporated, USA, explores the evolution of compressor technology
Strict Environmental Requirements
Takao Koga, Kobelco Edti Compressors, Inc., USA, reports on the change from centrifugal and reciprocating to screw compressors in oil refi nery services
Make the Most of Opportunities
Frits de Jongh and Ron Mercier, TurboCare, The Netherlands, explore centrifugal compressor rerates
Continuous Optimisation of FCC Catalyst
Darren Verrenkamp, Intercat Inc., presents a dynamic approach for today’s changing feedstock and product slate requirements
The Growing Gela Refinery
Prof. Ing. Romano Fiore, APS Engineering Company Roma, Italy, gives an overview of the Gela refi nery's continuing upgrade
Next Generation SRU Control
Gerton Molenaar, Jacobs Canada Inc., Canada and Aernout Henning and Sander Kobussen, Jacobs Nederland BV, The Netherlands, examine the implementation of a new burner control with ABB’s acid gas analyser at Suncor Simonette Gas Plant
The Future of Forming
Brian Pyke, Enersul, Canada, describes the reinvention of the granulator
Contractors Directory
Inhibiting High Temperature Sulfidic Corrosion in a Refinery
C.J. Claesen, Nalco Company, Energy Services Division, Belgium, and S.A. Lordo and Glenn Scattergood, Nalco Energy Services Division, USA, discuss the inhibition of high temperature sulfidic corrosion in lab evaluations and refi nery applications
Supportive Partnerships
Jose Simon and John Baxtrem, Honeywell Process Solutions, explain how to make support strategies truly strategic
Combination is the Key
Thomas Beuker, ROSEN Technology and Research Center, Germany, examines the advantages of detecting metal loss and pipeline wall thinning with a combination of ultrasonic testing and magnetic flux leakage
There is Modelling in the Air
Jeremy Provost, GEA-BTT, France, discusses the use of computational fluid dynamics in air cooled heat exchanger design
Product News
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