Explor completes first three-component seismic survey with STRYDE nodes
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
Oilfield Technology,
Most seismic acquisition around the globe is single-component (1C) acquisition that records the compressional seismic wave or 'P-wave'. However, there has been growing demand for three-component (3C) seismic data acquisition so that the entire seismic wavefield can be recorded, thereby enhancing the quality of the subsurface image.
Normally, acquisition companies are required to purchase specialised 3C recording equipment to acquire multi-component seismic data since other 1C seismic recording sensors cannot be used in a 3C configuration. Acquisition companies seeking to access the image quality of 3C surveying have to take on the additional cost of not only purchasing both 1C and 3C seismic recording equipment, but also storing and transporting both types of equipment.
“The Explor 3C converter for STRYDE Nodes means that acquisition companies now have an option to rapidly deploy STRYDE in 3C configurations, with the same converter also working in a 1C mode. With the STRYDE technology, acquisition companies no longer need to carry inventories of both 1C and 3C receivers. The lightweight and agile 3C converter is a game-changer on top of STRYDE’s game-changing technology.” – Allan Châtenay, President, Explor.
Explor tested STRYDE Nodes throughout 2020 and recently took delivery of over 20 000 STRYDE nodes in 1Q21. STRYDE Nodes are game-changing seismic receiver technology that at 150g are the smallest, lightest, and lowest priced on the market.
The STRYDE Node sensor is an omnidirectional accelerometer, which means it can record signal in any direction. STRYDE had acquired several tests before this survey using buried horizontal Nodes and observed very encouraging results. However, during these tests, it was observed that additional costs and hours were incurred when burying each node separately, reducing the game-changing efficiency of the STRYDE system. Explor’s converter solves this problem as it is light and fast, allowing the nimbleness of the STRYDE Nodes to be retained even in 3C deployment.
During their testing, Explor designed and engineered this patent-pending 3C converter technology that allows the 1C STRYDE receiver nodes to be rapidly assembled in a 3C receiver configuration, thereby introducing unprecedented operational flexibility. The coupling to the earth is very robust, with a simple, highly efficient installation and retrieval system.
Fully assembled, STRYDE in 3C configuration weighs just 0.512 kg, a fraction of the weight and cost of any other 3C node on the market and requiring less than a fifth of the storage space compared to the next-most compact 3C node. Explor completed a full-scale commercial survey in 1Q21 wherein over 19 000 STRYDE nodes were configured into over 6400 3C nodes using Explor’s converter. Person hours for deployment and retrieval of STRYDE in 3C configuration were approximately 60% lower than other commonly used 3C nodes.
“STRYDE has enjoyed collaborating with Explor, who share our vision of delivering high quality seismic with the lowest possible environmental footprint and HSE risks. We are thrilled to see that Explor has proven their converters can allow customers to flexibly and efficiently deploy STRYDE in either 1C or 3C configurations.” – Mike Popham, Chief Executive Officer, STRYDE.
Explor is now offering the 3C converter up for sale to STRYDE customers wishing to flexibly deploy their STRYDE receiver nodes in 3C configuration.
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Exclusive contributions come from Rystad Energy, Archer, Weatherford, Halliburton, CGG, NOV, TETRA Technologies, Clariant and more.
Read the article online at: https://www.oilfieldtechnology.com/exploration/27042021/explor-completes-first-three-component-seismic-survey-with-stryde-nodes/
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