CGG geoscience packages reveal prospectivity of North West Shelf and Banda Arc
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
Oilfield Technology,
JumpStart packages mobilise the full suite of CGG's geoscience capabilities to accelerate and support exploration efforts. They integrate all available data in a specific geographical area and frame it within a geological context. Clients can then easily access, in one place, the reviewed, validated, calibrated and interpreted data, in a consistent and ready-to-use format in order to evaluate petroleum systems.
The NWS JumpStart package encompasses the Northern Carnarvon, Roebuck, Browse and Bonaparte basins, where recent Triassic discoveries have heightened industry interest. The new study fills key knowledge gaps regarding the region’s Triassic paleogeography and petroleum systems and mitigates exploration risk for clients evaluating Triassic plays in this region.
The Banda Arc JumpStart package brings valuable insights into this highly complex and challenging tectonic region at the collision zone between continental Australia and the Indonesian archipelago where historically little data was available. With new seismic data and interpretation from CGG’s 16 300 km BandaSeis 2D BroadSeis survey, the study addresses significant imaging challenges relating to the complex overburden and below the fold and thrust. It sheds new light on structuring and petroleum system development, including a significant amount of newly identified and evaluated leads and prospects.
Mark Richards, Senior Vice President, Eastern Hemisphere, Multi-Client & New Ventures, CGG, said: “JumpStart packages leverage our extensive multi-disciplinary geoscience resources and expertise to provide the most comprehensive regional studies available. No other company offers this type of easily accessible screening tool to help industry players better understand a region’s geological development and prospectivity and ultimately de-risk emerging plays.”
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