ONGC Videsh makes discoveries in Brazil and Colombia
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
Oilfield Technology,
Well Sol-1, Colombia
Well Sol-1, in the block CPO-5 encountered the oil bearing sands of 8 m at a depth of 2852 m. Oil discovery in Sol-1 confirms the extent of oil pay further south of the block. ONGC Videsh had earlier discovered commercial oil in the same pay in wells Mariposa-1 and Indico-1 in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Both the wells are under production now.
ONGC Videsh, as Operator, holds 70% participating interest (PI) in CPO-5 block. The balance 30% PI is owned by Petrodorado South America S.A., Sucursal (PDSA), Colombia.
Well Moita Bonita-2, Brazil
Petrobras as operator of BM-SEAL-4 consortium with ONGC Videsh, completed drilling of the well Moita Bonita-2 in deep offshore Brazil located in the Moita Bonita Area (block BM-SEAL-4) at a water depth of 2629 m and encountered gas bearing sand of total thickness of 39m at the depth of 5227 m and oil bearing sand of total thickness of 24 m at deeper depths. Drill Stem Test (DST) was performed in the gas carrier interval 5252 m to 5291 m, and the result showed good production from the reservoir.
Petrobras is the operator of the consortium (75% PI) and partners ONGC Videsh (25% PI). The consortium plan to continue the operational activities to evaluate the discovery to ascertain its commerciality.
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