Touchstone makes natural gas discovery at Chinook
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
Oilfield Technology,
Chinook-1 is the company’s third exploration well drilled on the Ortoire exploration block and the third hydrocarbon discovery since commencing the Ortoire exploration drilling programme in August 2019.
Drilling samples and open hole wireline logs indicated that the Chinook-1 well encountered a significant Herrera turbidite package with a total thickness of 2000 ft containing over 1480 ft of sand. Open hole well logs and drilling samples indicated that these sands contain an aggregate 589 net feet of natural gas pay in three unique thrust sheets. The well encountered 341 net ft of hydrocarbon pay in the Gr7a section of the overthrust Herrera sands at measured depths between 8154 and 8710 ft. The overthrust Gr7a sands were the company’s primary target originally identified in the offsetting BW-7X well. 180 net feet of hydrocarbon pay was identified in the Gr7bc section of the intermediate Herrera sands at measured depths between 8850 and 9750 ft. The sands encountered in this thrust sheet also correlate to the offsetting BW-7X well and were the company’s secondary target. 68 net ft of hydrocarbon pay was identified in the Gr7bc section in a subthrust sheet of Herrera sands at measured depths between 9750 and 10 003 ft. This represents a previously unknown thrust sheet as no sands of this depth were previously penetrated in the offsetting wells.
In addition to the Herrera sandstones and the associated hydrocarbon discoveries, an additional 20 net ft of hydrocarbon pay was identified in the Cruse formation at depths between 2996 and 3021 ft. This represents a new discovery in the area that was not observed in offsetting well data.
In 1Q21, the company expects to initiate a comprehensive completion and testing plan to evaluate the economic potential of the hydrocarbon sands. The drilling rig is expected to move to the Cascadura Deep location prior to the end of the month.
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