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Chevron launches Fuel Your School programme

Published by , Editor - Hydrocarbon Engineering
Oilfield Technology,

Chevron USA Inc. has announced the launch of its 2015 Fuel Your School programme, an innovative collaboration with to support public education in 21 US communities, with the help of local Chevron and Texaco marketers in five markets. Now in its sixth year, Chevron's Fuel Your School programme will provide up to US$8.8 million this autumn to help fund classroom supplies and materials, including materials focused on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and hands on activities to help connect real world experiences to classroom learning.

"Investing in STEM education will help the US build a highly skilled workforce that can fuel innovation and help solve some of our biggest challenges," said Dale Walsh, President of Chevron Americas Products. "Chevron is proud to invest in programmes like Fuel Your School that help strengthen education and encourage students to pursue STEM careers."

Beginning 1 September 2015, public school teachers from participating communities are invited to post classroom projects at From 1 October through 31 October 2015, the Fuel Your School programme will donate US$1, up to a total of US$8.8 million, to help fund eligible classroom projects when consumers purchase eight or more gallons of fuel at participating Chevron or Texaco stations.

"Each year, hardworking teachers spend an average of US$400 of their own money to pay for materials and supplies needed for student learning," said Charles Best, Founder and CEO of "Chevron has helped fund thousands of projects through Fuel Your School, delivering books, microscopes, lab supplies, even rocket kits and 3D biology models, directly to classrooms to promote and inspire engaged learning."

Chevron has invested over US$200 million in STEM education worldwide since 2013. Since its inception in 2010, the Fuel Your School programme has helped fund more than 23 500 classroom projects at more than 4000 schools in the US.

Adapted from press release by Rosalie Starling

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