Drilling at Sapote-1 well fails to find commercial hydrocarbons
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
Oilfield Technology,
Westmount holds an indirect interest in the Canje Block.
The Canje block is currently operated by an ExxonMobil subsidiary, Esso Exploration & Production Guyana Limited (35%), with TotalEnergies E&P Guyana B.V. (35%), JHI Associates (BVI) Inc. (17.5%) and Mid-Atlantic Oil & Gas Inc. (12.5%) as partners.
Gerard Walsh, Executive Chairman of Westmount, commented: "Sapote-1 is the sixth well, offshore Guyana, that Westmount has participated in via our investee companies, since 2019. This portfolio of drilling outcomes has yielded 3 oil discoveries, but no standalone commercial success to date. While this outcome from the Westmount portfolio is below expectations the results to date provide encouragement and must be viewed in the context of initial 'large step-out' wells, in a frontier setting, evaluating giant stratigraphic prospects while seeking to establish the perimeter of the multiple play fairways both to the northeast and southwest of the prolific Stabroek Block."
"The immediate focus of the Canje Joint Venture group now switches to synthesis, analysis and regional integration and modelling of the extensive multi-play data suite acquired during the 2021 drilling campaign with a view to highgrading and selection of the potential follow-on drilling targets on the block. In this regard, we note that the operator of the Canje Block, has already submitted, to the Guyanese Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an application for environmental authorisation with respect to a new 12 well drilling program on the block from 2022."
Read the latest issue of Oilfield Technology in full for free: Issue 3 2021
Oilfield Technology’s third issue of 2021 starts with a report from Wood Mackenzie focusing on the upstream industry’s fortunes in Asia-Pacific. The rest of the issue is dedicated to features covering offshore engineering, coiled tubing, frac technology, completion technologies, water management, well placement and much more.
Exclusive contributions come from Wild Well Control, Cudd Pressure Control, TMK, NOV, Archer, Tendeka, TETRA Technologies and more.
Read the article online at: https://www.oilfieldtechnology.com/exploration/01112021/drilling-at-sapote-1-well-fails-to-find-commercial-hydrocarbons/
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