Union Jack Oil provides update on West Newton programme
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
Oilfield Technology,
Union Jack Oil has released an update on its programme of works forward regarding West Newton A and B in East Yorkshire, UK, in line with the latest government and public health guidance on Covid-19.
West Newton A: With the permit from the Environment Agency granted, Rathlin will recommence well test using a pumpjack (nodding donkey) and a smaller incinerator unit once the required personnel and equipment are available.
West Newton B: On 4 May 2020, work commenced on the construction of the West Newton B access track. This activity is the subject of an archeological watching brief and is expected to take five to six weeks.
In due course, site construction works will commence on the West Newton B drilling site. This work will include a full archeological strip, map and record study, following which, site construction will begin. The site construction works are anticipated to take between five and six weeks.
Drilling of the West Newton B-1 well will commence following the completion of the access track and site construction activities and the conductor setting operations.
Union Jack is one of the main joint venture (JV) partners in the West Newton project, holding a 16.665% interest in this licence, containing the West Newton A-1 discovery well and the recent successful West Newton A-2 conventional appraisal well.
Read the article online at: https://www.oilfieldtechnology.com/drilling-and-production/04052020/union-jack-oil-provides-update-on-west-newton-programme/
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